
Friday, August 17, 2018



August 15, 2018
Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven

Prayer...resting in God...simply relaxed in Presence-
"You are here!"
and I, whisper delicately, a prayer conversation;
It comes easily,
I am with the Spirit's movement...
No haste,
at ease;
a prayer conversation comes so normally!
All is well and in it's proper place-
no need for even a concern-
A feeling that my thoughts and words are His/Hers
and we are One.
there is separation between us.
 I am not on any "schedule",
the time stands still and we are One
"Be still and Know...I Am God"
My Heart is your heart,
My time is your time-we become One
as it was "In the beginning"
Receiving the Gift of Union

How, Father, can I continue to remain in You, 
as You remain in me this way?
Thank You for these Gifted Moments of your Presence.
Is this a Gift from Mary on this Feast day?
Oh! "Holy Spirit! Stay with me! Please stay"
"Do not leave me- I beg you! Linger here."

God, what is your desire for me?

"To have you as My own!"

I too, desire to come back to you with all my heart!
I remember the early days of so much love ,desire and peace that
you poured into my heart and soul-
that I groaned within with so much of your Love!
Please help me and draw me again into Your deep Loving Heart.

I need to re-think how I could avoid busy-ness and the anxiety that it provokes.
I need to slow down and bring more of my wants and needs to You.
Are you asking me to lift a hidden issue to you in the light of prayer?
"Do not let me scurry and run away-  
 or read too fast as if greedy and a glutton for knowledge.
My thoughts do not always follow through with the actions
I need you, Jesus...
Stay with me, Lord!"

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