
Sunday, November 24, 2019


AKITA 1973;  AMSTERDAM 1945-1956;  FATIMA 1917

What do these places have in common?
These countries are places where the Mother of God ,the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared,
giving special messages to those seers to whom she appeared. Through the many years and many apparitions and messages of our Blessed Mother there has been a theme message repeated...Pray...Pray...Pray...and a special request given for each generation. 
At the Cross, Jesus had given His mother to John and to each one of us, when He said,
"this is your Mother ...and Mother, this is your son."
Jesus would like to allow us to hear  and be guided by His blessed Mother's Voice in these current times!
In 1973 Sister Agnes in Akita, Japan, was enveloped in a"brilliant light" during her adoration time and the statue of Our Lady of All Nations came to life in front of her saying, 
"Jesus is truly alive in the Eucharist!"

Our Lady then asked to be known as "Co-Redemptrix,  Mediatrix and Advocate".