
Monday, February 29, 2016


Woman at The Well

 and known by Jesus...
Who is He for you?
Do you note the human face upon Him?

Is there no place for you to hide?

Do you stand naked and trembling...
unsettled ?

Those eyes of Mercy are gentle...
Love is not judging.

Welcome the stranger within...
Acknowledge your inner feelings,
Allow Grace it's entry to heal.

It's okay to be frail and fragile.

Be in His Presence...
Not seeking...
Just Being...
Love is Present..
Love heals...
Love makes all things new!
Enter into the Light
Be healed.

Ephesians 3: verses 19-21


Let God Love You

Be silent
Be still...
 empty before God
Say nothing
 Ask nothing
Be still...
Let your God love you.

He knows
He understands
He loves you with a constant love
He longs to "look upon you"  with His love.

Let God love you!

"Be still and know I AM God!"
Be still and know I AM...
Be still and know...
Be still...

A PARADOX...Wisdom

Wisdom Knows

Emptiness... fills me,
Silence... greets me,
Exhaustion... carries me.

YOU...Who are everywhere...
Elude me!

Is prayer the muscle...
and action futile?
Is the answer in Being...not doing?
Will letting go...
bring everything needed?

WISDOM knows!

May Your will be done...
with Acceptance...
In Serenity,
In Wisdom,
In Courage.

Friday, February 26, 2016



Jesus sought to walk  His path of Light
through darkened tunnels of my night.
My heart cried out to Loves own face
To heal the wounds the years did trace upon this child,
 that, left to seek her own pursuits,
would stumble, fall, and rise again
to find she had a destiny.

Can it be true that Love and Light
were leading onward toward the Night so dark, 
so deep, so filled with fright?

Yes! It is true that Light pervades the deepest pool
where unknown forces seek to rule.
Our heritage of Adam's root gives way to Word,that cuts the ties 
of sin and death, of fear and lies and shame.
The Word of God does enter in  to go 
where no one else has ever been!

Creation once more takes it's part
with patient stillness from the heart.
It's all so new, I dare to say,
"The Lord had been there faithfully
before I sought Him in my prayer"

Then, came a time when once I knew that Light
 would shine all through the darkened ways to make me new!

It's just another step with Him
Who opens to Eternity.  And I
 my glorious Lord do see,
With eyes of Faith He gives to me, 
His hands, His feet...are nailed and torn
for me to rise on Easter morn. 


Take My Hand O Blessed Mother

Take my hand o' blessed Mother, 
hold me firmly, 'lest i fall.
I grow nervous while walking
and on Thee i humbly call.
Guide me over every crossing,
watch me when I'm on the stairs,
let me know that You're beside me,
listen to my fervent prayers.
Bring me to my destination
 safely, along the way.
Bless my every undertaking
and my duties for the day.
 And when evening creeps upon me
I'll never fear to be alone.
Once again, O Blessed Mother
take my hand to lead me home.

Author unknown

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


 On Being Bread

Jesus prayed..."This is my Body given up for you.
Do this in memory of Me."

What must we do... to become Bread?

Don was not taking food during his last days.
United to Jesus in mind, body and Spirit,
He was Being bread for others.

We watched in humility, as this peace filled man,
husband and father,
heroically gave of his self
 to us and others...
to our children and grandchildren
 ...for their healing and salvation.

He could not make a move to comfort his own body
as prisoner of a wheelchair...
Nor even voice his need...
Yet... there was so much Love emanating,
sparkling through his eyes!

I often wondered what he saw in those around him
that would illuminate such Light from within.

Must we become bread?

He was a gentle, patient, loving husband and father...
always willing to serve another...
Always full of joy...
playful with the grandchildren!

Must we die to self...
to be bread for the other?

He was called by name!
He heard that call and answered.

Must we be Bread for the other?
Maybe... to open a portal into Eternity
in Holy submission to our Destiny.

"This is why we never become discouraged or give up.
 Even though our physical being is gradually becoming weaker...
Yet the Spirit within is made anew each day!"
2 Corinthians: 4, verse 16

                                                      Jean  Mahan ofs


I Thirst

I see God's glory in the other and...sigh!!!
Not in jealousy or envy,  I...
In poverty...
           in hunger...
                 in thirst...
                                                 To drink of that same well.

Across the desert I must go
                                      and leave all behind...
The Food I seek is to be found
                                                  in leaving
