
Monday, May 29, 2017

LILY!...a sign from above...


pure herald of Love...
White trumpet so meek...a sign from above...
What is your quest toward the devout?

Inviting us near in quiet repose...
You capture, subdue...briefly to expose
Easter's News!
"He is Risen! Risen unto the Light...
Risen to requite."

Did you see the Master that First Morn
in the Garden where you were born?
Bear witness to the Risen Lord...
as now to all, attest.

Reach out to all... your fragrance fill!
Infuse the Word upon the will ...
in meekness
and humility...
with tears for all humanity.

Jean Mahan ofs

MARY'S PART: sharing of a dream - vision...a Gift of Hope


As Fr R. listened to the sharing of the dream- vision in the Gift Store, he was showing agreement as  his head nodded and he said,"Yes!, Yes, good gift of Knowledge. Yes!"
Our Pastor, also, had agreed, and previously had announced, that while in the Seminary the priests had been taught that we may rise directly up after death.
Now Fr. R. is encouraged and begins to enlighten us further with a teaching, as he is a bit excited to share!

Looking around for the first time since we began this conversation, and noticing  how many people have entered and are hearing the story and teaching from Father, made me feel encouraged that others may have needed to hear this sharing. He continued, unaware of any others... his eyes directed to us, as my daughter now, is engaged in what he has to say!


Father spoke of  the differences of Jesus' Ascension into heaven,  and Mary's Assumption into heaven!
Basically, what is remembered of his teaching is, that Jesus being Divine AND human was raised by His own power, as God!
Mary, being all human,was assumed into heaven through the power God provided for her!
As Father spoke of Mary and her earthly body being assumed,
the word "HOPE" entered my mind as a thought
 that Mary's way of life and Her continual "YES" to God
as she pondered all that was unfolding before her, was our hope, also!
Mary, a living saint, showed each one the way to become the saint God has called us to be...
keeping our eyes on Jesus,as She did,
 watching the Way unfold before her eyes.

"Remembering you in prayer, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
may give you a spirit of Wisdom and Revelation resulting in Knowledge of Him..."
"May the eyes of your hearts be Enlightened,
that you may know what is the HOPE that belongs to His call!"
                                                         Ephesians 1: 17-23

This is like the "never ending story"! There's always more!
Experiencing God anywhere is an   AWESOME  happening!!!

Monday, May 22, 2017

A DREAM VISION; Hope for Eternity...

                                                                HOPE FOR ETERNITY

          As we looked at a prayer card of the sleeping Saint Joseph, the priest at the Gift shop began to relate the story and deep meaning of the figure of  the sleeping Saint Joseph.
God spoke through dreams to Joseph. Mary would become the Mother of the Messiah and name Him Jesus. Jesus would enter into our  world, being born through the Virginal birth, to become the One prophesied and spoken of, throughout the Old Testament. He would take on the yoke of our sins to cancel our debt of disobedience and sin, to open the way for each one of us to live forever re-united to our Father in Eternity.

                                                      There is so much more!
          I was able, at that moment, to share what I call a "dream vision", only because I don't truly understand God's ways!  And there doesn't seem to be any words to describe the happening.
To set the story of the "dream vision", let me give a short story of where we were in our lives as a family at the time.
          Don, my husband, was slowly dying. He had surgery nine years ago and was without oxygen to his brain and body for a time during surgery. I won't go into all the details.
 He came out of surgery with his brain wiped clean of  any past knowledge of his family or bodily functions.
Don and I went to rehab to be taught all that we could about recovering his ability to walk, talk and to restore as much as could be done.
     He was home for a short time, needing to return to the hospital and then, not able to come home.
     Don heroically lived in a wheelchair for many years with his family and friends  around him at the nursing home. We were able to bring him home for visits and holidays and Don loved being at Church, also.
      As the moments, days, months, years passed, Don went through many different stages of  emotional sufferings, changes and phases of acceptance. We all did! Yet, there was joy, also, and many good memories made along the way. We all did the best we could to keep our family happy and close together.
      When the time came, the family called upon Hospice for the support and encouragement they could give us all.   Don needed special care and comfort for his passage from this life. The Hospice team members were there for each one of us.
       Blessings had been given as our priests visited often, and prayers went up from our Church family members, constantly. Our faith brought us through many levels of acceptance. It was not an easy journey by any means. God has a way of preparing and strengthening us as we live through these extraordinary days.

                                                               A DREAM VISION

        In the early morning of Dec.3rd,as I was sleeping, I seemed to enter a dream place, yet so real...

  Don and myself were in a place bathed in Light, so brilliant beyond description. There seemed to be a hint of a blue around us, as a circle.
A young and healthy Don sat facing an opening of even brighter Light.I stood behind him with my right hand upon his shoulder. We were facing an opening of even brighter Light. Don wore a royal blue dress shirt.
 My heart was so filled with a radiant joy, that I thought it would burst! There was a sense that we were transported here, unlike a dream, so real!
Then, there was heard rejoicing and voices calling...3 separate calls, "Donald Mahan, enter the THRONE ROOM!"
Donald Mahan, ENTER !", "Enter the Throne Room, Donald Mahan!"

        Don had been refusing food, at times. He, now, had been accepting ice cream, or yogurt and fluids for a week. He passed peacefully,with his family all around him, on Sunday, December 6th,2015. The Feast day of St. Nicholas.
       Grace carries us along, with tears of gratitude and waves of emptiness and loneliness.

       Three of our grandchildren had recognized the "signs of  their Grampa's presence" in their dreams, and shared their stories at Christmas dinner! Brianna, our first grandchild, and Emily Mae, shared a phone call and their dreams of Grampa, appearing with his Santa's hat sitting by the Christmas tree, handing out the gifts. Eliza heard a song that only Grampa had sung to her, coming from the radio. She had never heard that song on the radio before this happening and, somehow, she knew it was from him!
      This part of the Journey with Don has taught me so much! Love changes and never ends. Love continues and we find it at so many different levels of life together. Don taught me how to love and be loved as well as how to die, as we lived our lives with Jesus, our third partner in our marriage.
       God, the Father, knows us so lovingly well!
 So much Truth in the  Scriptures came to life, as we traveled this road!  Everything is used for our good...others, according to our faith, may reap the benefits of our earthly gifts and sufferings.
       The body diminishes,yet the Spirit grows stronger and rises! Such a mystery, this gift of Faith!
                      Yes! Don is resting in the Peace of the Holy Trinity and will be there for us!
                                              " I have gone to prepare a place for you!"

                       " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy
                                    gave us a new birth to a living hope
                                    through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,            
                                     undefiled, and unfading, kept in Heaven for you...!"
                                                                                                              1 Peter1:1-5



GOD CALLING: answered prayer ...

                                                                           GOD CALLING

       The Providential love and care of God always shows up! I have seen, so many times, His answer to a prayer.
      Last week there were two lovely, yet unrelenting, hot days. Not being ready for such high temperatures in May, it was difficult to stay outdoors in the 91* degree weather or be indoors with no fans or ac.  So, of course,  my thoughts, and maybe a groaning prayer at the same time was, " Oh, please God, I need to get away!  How nice it would be near the water with a breeze,!"
   That happened to be on Wednesday.
 On Thursday, my daughter Karen called and asked, " What do you think? Would you like to spend the weekend from Friday to Sunday at camp in Maine with me?"  My answer," Karen, you are an answer to a prayer! I would love to be anywhere with you on the weekend!"
    We talked and listened to music all the way to Maine, had dinner and relaxed with friends, getting to know them and love them better, and had a good nights sleep in cooler Maine weather !
    Saturday was sunny, breezy and filled with activities. She in the garden, cleaning up the Winter's debris and I, cooking soup for the "welcoming dinner", where all the new arrivals met to renew               acquaintances while sharing a meal.
     Sunday morning we awoke early enough to attend morning Mass at St. Anthony's chapel at the Franciscan Monastery in Kennebunkport. A time to relax and enrich our spiritual life.
     What a surprise and joy to see Fr. Raymond celebrating and Fr. Andrew giving a homily on the Gospel reading of the day!
      I felt at home, again.
        In the Gift shop Fr. Raymond approached and engaged us in conversation. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

A FATIMA NOTE:.. this is the time of the Cenacle....gather to pray...


The Church celebrates this 100th year of Our Lady of Fatima, 
 her appearances to the three shepherd children, and her messages to all.
There  is much to learn from all these years and from the Church.
It was 1972 when a little group dedicated ourselves to gather aside from the then,
Light of Christ Charismatic prayer group that met each week in the basement of Notre Dame,
to pray the rosary as Our Lady requested..."Pray, pray, pray!"
We met to pray each Monday afternoon in the home Bernice offered, following our Lady's
words to the children.

In time;
the East Germany wall crumbled and fell, Communism was being defeated..God was changing the face of the earth! Prayers from all Nations were being answered and John Paul 2nd, along with the Bishops consecrated the world and 
specifically Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as She had asked.
Many Prayer Cenacles grew-up through the years and continued.
We were all connected in prayer to Our Lady.
Tuesday, May 9th,2017 
A friend called from Maine stating a Fatima Rosary group, that was  coming in, were planning to teach that the Fatima message and the consecration of Russia to Our Lady from the Pope and Bishops,had not been properly followed, causing division in the parish in which she belonged.
She asked and received help from her Bishop.

These days we are listening to the readings of the Scriptures in the Acts of the Apostles, which describe the beginning formative days of the Church and it's growing pains. 
 There were many questions and struggles trying to discern how the Holy Spirit was leading them through the words, lessons and happenings of Jesus'
Do you, or can you,believe we are also in the days of the ACTS  of the Apostles, where we continue to experience the continuation of growth of the Church of Jesus Christ as He began it centuries ago?
 Weren't there misconceptions then and now, also, needing dialogue and resolve?
Is there a new level of consciousness we may need to reach, to be able to hear and discern God's will ?

Our pastor gave a homily at morning mass with the message that the Church continues to grow and evolve. God is not a static power at rest.

Our Lady stated emphatically, "in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!"
At our weekly rosary Cenacle, this reading was taken from Fr. Gobbi's book,
 "To The Priests, our Lady's  Beloved Sons"...
 # 573  on May 22,1996 ,titled "The Time of the Cenacle",

She states:
"This is the time of the Cenacle."
She, Our Lady of Fatima, is calling each one of us
to enter into the Cenacle of her Immaculate Heart, now!

YOU ARE contemplate the Presence...

You Are Called

You are called


To Contemplate
the Presence of God everywhere...
in the Word of Scripture,
in the Wisdom of Creation,
in the beauty of truth and justice,
in the sacramental daily living,
in our sisters and brothers,
the eagle, the violet, the child,
in the most forgotten and neglected,
in the events of our times,
in the Church,
the communion of the faithful ones.

to live and to give
the fruit of this Contemplation.
                   Lucy Edelbeck, OP

May you use those Gifts
that you have received,
 and pass on that love
that has been given to you.

St. Therese,
                the little flower

A TASTE of SEEING JESUS...Jesus draws near...


Jesus Himself , drew near and walked with them
"Their eyes were prevented  from seeing Him."
Luke 24; 16
       A taste of seeing JESUS may take some relaxation...
  a walk with a friend, talking of your troubles...
reading holy scriptures...
asking for understanding and knowledge and the other gifts 
from the Holy Spirit...
Being in community at the breaking of the bread 
may open our eyes to recognize Him.
We need to make a choice to quiet our spirit ...
Asking for a hunger and longing,
Asking that our spiritual eyes be opened...

"Then, at the breaking of the Bread...
Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him-
He vanished from their sight..."

So we run to the others to tell our story and
may be happily surprised to hear,
"YES, He opened our minds, too...
and sends the Promises of the Father to us...
The Holy Spirit and all the Gifts of the Spirit!"

A challenge...
To read and Know the Word is alive...
from The Beginning.


FULLY HUMAN and FULLY ALIVE !...the Church is Born...

Fully Human and Fully Alive!

It is finished!
The Church is "born" 
from the total consummation 
of "Jesus' sacrifice"!
At each celebration of the Eucharist
We receive "new direction". you know Who you are?...
Do you know Who you are becoming?
At your were born into the Image of Jesus...
Spiritually identified with His death and life
in  your own flesh.
You and the Father becoming One 
in the transforming of your being!
This transformation is taking place within you
in a "supernatural way," through the working power of the Holy Spirit!
You and the Father are becoming One in the transforming of your being.
The old is fading away and the new is come.
No one "puts the new wine into the old wine skins"...
You are to become 
"new again"!
"He who receives the One I send
receives Me!
and he who receives Me
receives the Father.!
The Father and I are One!"
                                         John 13;20