
Monday, July 10, 2017

SECOND PROPHECY:AUG.13-15, 1982; look to My


The battle is about to begin. Prepare yourselves, prepare your households,
prepare your communities and be ready to defend all that is Mine. Stand and be counted! 
For no longer will I honor two paths and man's hearts shall be laid bare.
Let My Word become as manna to give you strength and direction. Consume all that
I give you or you will become weak and surely die in the days ahead. Put aside
those things that separate you from Me and you from each other and listen to Me.
Do not say that these things are too hard for me, the battle too difficult, for I send you
daily only those things that will draw you closer to Me. If you become weary, look to My Mother
for strength; gentle of spirit, purposed of heart. Trust without doubt. Hope beyond compare. A life laid down without question. Believing in the Father's faithfulness, His eternal love.
My People, prepare to put on the whole armor of Your God. Rest in the assurance
of My love and do not be afraid. Who I raise up no man can put down. Listen to Me 
and stand firm in your call. For there is much that I would do in you and through you.
Expect much! Expect much!

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