Recently at the celebration of morning Mass, and during the consecration of the most precious
Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ,at the breaking of the Eucharistic bread,
a message was repeated within my inner being...
"The Body of Christ is broken!"
"The Body of Christ is broken!"
After hearing this, my response was...
"Yes! Thank You Lord! You did this for me and for each person ever created !"
Again,heard the next day as the Eucharist was broken to be given,
"The Body of Christ is broken!"
"The Body of Christ is broken!"
"Lord,What are you trying to tell me?"
As this was pondered throughout the day,
Thoughts of the Body of Christ as being the Church with Christ as it's head,
came into my mind, and how the Body was suffering in all the combined nations of the world.
A prophetic message, written and given to us years ago at a Charismatic Conference, was remembered.
Thoughts of the Body of Christ as being the Church with Christ as it's head,
came into my mind, and how the Body was suffering in all the combined nations of the world.
A prophetic message, written and given to us years ago at a Charismatic Conference, was remembered.
Sorting through the "prayer folder" kept in the file drawer, was found the following Prophesies from the Charismatic Conference held in 1982.
The teachings were titled and this handout was given to each one at the time.
"The Body of Christ is Broken"
Be silent before your Lord and hear these words, for the time approaches
and hearts will no longer seek nor hear the truth.
Now I stand before you as a Vinedresser, looking out at the vineyard, seeking the fruit of My Spirit
from the people called after My Name. I seek fruit from what I have planted, watered, nourished and cared for. Yet the vineyard is barren. I see vines that have grown wild from turning away from the Pruning
Shears. I see vines that have grown weak from drawing nourishment from the soil of the world.
I see vines that have grown twisted from growing up with the weeds, and I see vines that are dead
from being entangled with thorns.The serpent has entered the vineyard and poisons the soil,
chokes the vines,sows weeds and thorns and shields the vineyard from the Rain and the Light.
Now see what I see,hear the truth that is proclaimed,for the father of lies is seducing the minds
and hearts of My people. He is the harlot of the counterfeit kingdom, who appears to you as an angel of light.
But there is no light in him and those who speak for him. He is the author of deception, rebellion and destruction. He grows perversion of sin,immorality, idolatry, infidelity, and the death of innocence. Such wickedness in an abomination before Me, for his purpose is to produce a people apart from Me, separated from the Truth and hidden from the Light, blinded in disobedience and hardened from the worship of man rather than the Lord God. The time has come to unmask the serpent for who he is , the time is here for My Church, My people to claim the weapons of My Spirit and call upon their Lord to drive forth the darkness from the vineyard, to call upon the Sword of Truth to cut away the evil weeds and thorns from your lives.
It is a time of battle.
I stand before you seeking the fruit of My Spirit in My People,in your lives, in your church, in your families and in your work. I seek a people of the truth and the light, set apart from the deception, confusion and wickedness of the age, whose very lives proclaim the truth which is My Word.
Behold, I shall not harvest the vineyard until it is purified and the unclean are separated from the clean,
the lies are separated from the truth, and the words of men are separated from the Words of God.
Behold, I have come to claim what is mine. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Mighty One of Israel.
Open your minds and your hearts to the Light of My Spirit that all may be revealed before Me and all that is not of Me may be loosened and cast aside.
The weight of your sin and your inequity is heavy. Receive now the freedom of reconciliation that is before you. Do not turn away from this call of love and mercy, for the trumpet has sounded and the harvest is near.
Scriptures: Malachi 4 and Haggi 1
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