
Sunday, January 22, 2017



Jesus sought to walk His path of Light
through darkened tunnels of my night.
My anguished heart cried out to Love's own Face
to heal the wounds the years did trace
upon this child.
Left to seek her own pursuits she stumbled...fell...
 to rise again and find
she had a destiny.

Can it be true that Love and Light
would lead onward toward the night, so dark,
so deep, so filled with fright?
Yes! It is true that Light pervades the
deepest pool
where unknown forces seek to rule.

Our heritage of Adam's root gives way to Word
that cuts the ties of fear and lies and shame.
The Word of God does enter in
to places no one else has been.
Creation once more takes it's part
in patient stillness from the heart.

It was all so new... I dare to say,
"the Lord has been there faithfully since first I sought Him with my prayer!"
Then came a time when I knew the Light within
would shine all through those darkened ways
to make me new!

It's just another step with Him,
Who opens to Eternity.
And I... my Lord did see... with eyes of faith given me...
His hands... His feet... were nailed and torn
for me to rise on Easter morn!

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