More to the Story: The Path of Light
Most of my "life's stories " began with a word heard at prayer, "COME!"
I followed...hesitantly, and began a process of listening and resisting.
Jesus and I began walking together, and a transformation was taking place.
Fr. Holland used to use the image of a tapestry being made. Row upon row of weaving colorful threads.
On the back, many tangles and loose threads, messy,
On the back, many tangles and loose threads, messy,
not making any semblance of a picture. Yet, when finished and all in proper order,
and seen from the other side, was something beautiful !
The Light of Christ prayer group at Notre Dame Church was the continuing place of the tapestry of my life that God,the Father, began weaving anew. There is a beautiful beginning much earlier that may be shared later, how God brought my love and soul mate Donald into my life. Without him, nothing would be the same! He was the loving spark of my awakening!
Prayer was seen as the "umbilical cord of life" to God.Our Charismatic prayer group met each week in the basement of the church. Prayer, praise, gratitude, song,they all had a place in our daily lives.
Fr. Oliver and Fr. Imse were there to celebrate the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation.
I knew more than I understood. There was so much Mystery to God's ways! His Words were touching and penetrating my heart. I was being so filled,yet, what did all of this mean to my life? It was all such a puzzle!
Then, we were offered a "Life in the Spirit Seminar" which would introduce us to the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. As I had "met" Jesus in the Al-Anon group, I thought this would be the next step closer to
knowing the Triune God , Who was trying to break through to me. I was also battling depression and needed much prayer for healing. So I entered into the seminar, trusting the leaders of the prayer group.
At our parish of St. Joseph's church, Fr. Holland announced from the pulpit, one Sunday, that
there would be no classes for religious education for the 6th through 8th grades
there would be no classes for religious education for the 6th through 8th grades
because there were no teachers available. What a shock that was!
Both Don and I wanted our children to have the benefits of the Catholic faith. Don had entered the Catholic church as a convert and I was not taught the faith, but was beginning to understand
the importance of a Godly life.
the importance of a Godly life.
We approached Fr. and mentioned our concerns. He gave us each a book and said we could learn.
"Just stay one week ahead of the children's lesson and come to me with any questions".
"Just stay one week ahead of the children's lesson and come to me with any questions".
What? We were on our way!???
God,Help us!
What an awesome God we have! And what curves He can throw at us!
Don had a wonderful Pastor as he grew up in the First Congregational Church and he had been a
leader there in many ministries.
leader there in many ministries.
I was at a loss and so nervous and anxious! What did I know? Nothing!
How would I even begin to put any of this together?
Opening the book to teach the 7th grade children the Sacraments of the Church was not my idea at all!
Who could ever imagine what God may have had in mind! Not me!
"His thoughts are so far beyond our thoughts,
His ways so far beyond our ways"
As I look back at all this , I was never alone!
My friend, Randy, would say"God always shows up and He is never late!"
Of course He showed up! I met and fell in love with
The Holy Spirit, Who began to teach me!
Jesus said...
"The Advocate,the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name-
He will teach you everything and remind you of all( I )told you." John; 14:26
And that's the Truth!
This was all taking place around the year 1980. Our youngest daughter was attending college,
and there was plenty of time for me to study. I had never opened, what we call, the Old Testament.
However, I was reading the gospels of Jesus and attending Mass daily to receive the holy Eucharist of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Living my daily life, working part time, serving in the church,caring for family now brought a deeper dimension to life. Our marriage and relationships had improved, I had a prayer life beginning, we were trying to follow the scriptures as they pertained to our lives, and I was able to begin tithing what was earned from my job at the hospital . Placing God first brought balance and more peace, even through the struggles we encountered. Don and I began to pray together after our Marriage Encounter weekend.
What a breakthrough that was for both of us!
We were surrounded by loving couples willing to share and encourage us.
Yes! It takes commitment and some perseverance to continue, and when progress is experienced
along the way, everyone, the whole family, benefits.
Asking the holy Spirit in prayer to enlighten me.. and to guide me ...
I began to read the books of the old Testament beginning with Genesis.
"If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always,
the Spirit of Truth..." John; 14:15+16
The Spirit of Truth began to open the prophetic messages from the old testament,
connecting them with God's promises of sending signs and wonders through a Savior,
who would bring a new Covenant to save humanity from all sin and disbelief.
To the degree that my little mind could understand,
this Spirit of Truth was teaching me and connecting the old Covenant signs and symbols
forward into the New Testament, confirming the new Covenant of God in Jesus Christ.
At home one evening after prayer I lingered to listen.
A stream of words began flowing..."what is this?" was my reaction.
Reaching for paper and as to lose nothing, came the above
"Path of Light" poem writing ... maybe showing me where I was being led;
for this was another one of those times when God intervened and threw
anther curve changing my life!
This time he prepared the way in a very different manner.
Meeting Sister Marie Dugas, a sister of St. Ann, brought me in line with
an introduction to contemplative prayer and a deeper healing within the love of God.
With God, there is always more!
I began to read the books of the old Testament beginning with Genesis.
"If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always,
the Spirit of Truth..." John; 14:15+16
The Spirit of Truth began to open the prophetic messages from the old testament,
connecting them with God's promises of sending signs and wonders through a Savior,
who would bring a new Covenant to save humanity from all sin and disbelief.
To the degree that my little mind could understand,
this Spirit of Truth was teaching me and connecting the old Covenant signs and symbols
forward into the New Testament, confirming the new Covenant of God in Jesus Christ.
At home one evening after prayer I lingered to listen.
A stream of words began flowing..."what is this?" was my reaction.
Reaching for paper and as to lose nothing, came the above
"Path of Light" poem writing ... maybe showing me where I was being led;
for this was another one of those times when God intervened and threw
anther curve changing my life!
This time he prepared the way in a very different manner.
Meeting Sister Marie Dugas, a sister of St. Ann, brought me in line with
an introduction to contemplative prayer and a deeper healing within the love of God.
With God, there is always more!
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