
Saturday, July 9, 2016


For those of you who do not know me or my journey,in and with the Lord of my life, Jesus, I offer you a glimpse.
  The idea came to me, (thank You Mother Mary for the guidance)  to preface the original writing with a bit of  spiritual  and background history.

 In the mid 1970's, for a reason that may be known later, I was facing a very stressful situation related to my childhood. There was an unbearable situation discovered. Not knowing which way to go,  my reaction, surprisingly,was to cry out loud "God!   Help me!"
More surprisingly!... The help was an "Immediate lifting" of all the stressful pressure and turmoil swirling within my body and mind! A sensation came upon me as if several heavy cement blocks had been lifted off of my body! 
For that Moment,  time and space seemed to disappear.
There was I with this loving God, who heard and answered!!!
Needless to say,I began  immediately to seek and to find  out... "Who are YOU!?" 
Opening a bible was the first step forward to a lifetime journey of discovery!

 My faith as a Roman Catholic was based upon the Sunday Mass: holy Communion and the Gospel readings for that day.
As we were Sunday-going- cradle-Catholics, that was all I knew at the time!

When accompanying my mother to her first  Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I was escorted to another group  called Al-Anon, which is a support for family members of the alcoholic. Little did I know just how much I needed their help! Truly, they were a Godsend! I learned so much about changing my thoughts and being transformed in my behavior patterns. There  I experienced God living within His people!  They were describing "my hidden feelings,"  "my shame "my story!" There was no judging the other, only love and acceptance, encouragement, and the help that I needed to hear.
As we stood for the closing prayer,we made a circle and began to pray to "Our Father Who art in heaven".... when we came to the words in the prayer..." FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES"...something supernatural happened...  the voices and those words..."AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US"
sounded as if they were coming  from a loud bullhorn speaker and were directed only to me!
I then knew the Majesty of God's Voice telling me that I needed to seek forgiveness of the harm received from my earthly mother and father and their addiction to alcohol along with the abuse suffered.
So many emotions were rising to the surface all at once!!!
 So many questions swirling inside, like a  cyclone with nowhere to go!
I was invited to return ... I did.
It was a matter between life and/or death!

 After attending and learning the 12 step program for 18 months, and while on my first Al-Anon spiritual retreat, Father Jude, a Passionist priest, suggested I seek out a prayer group to attend.

I was invited to the "Light of Christ" Charismatic group meeting at the then, Notre'- Dame parish, now named St. John Paul II parish. 

Upon entering and being welcomed, my first reaction was,
"Who are these people ? Why are they so joyful?",..   and...
 " I want some of  this Joy!"

More to come!
Accept The Invitation !

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