
Saturday, July 23, 2016



ETERNITY is..."living in the now moment!" God is the Creator of the "now moment."
He is with us in the now!... Creating a peaceable Kingdom, now!...right where we are.

"O God! Come to our aid! Slow us down to listen,
 that we may hear your Voice and follow You! 
Train our minds toward Your Voice within,
and give us the courage to dismantle the" other voices" seeking to rule!"

In the Beginning... in the Garden...there was One Voice heard...
and It was Good!
The Father loved Adam and Eve into existence. He gave them dominion over all creation.
The Angel of Light, Lucifer, was loved by God the Father, also. He was called to light, guide,
instruct and lead Adam and Eve in their way. For Lucifer, this was not enough!
Was he jealous ,wanting to become a god to rule and have dominion, even over his Creator?
Was his "the other voice" heard?  Did envy, pride, power and  position prompt him ?
Where did the "other voice" come from? Did that other voice slither out and hiss the words,
whispering, suggesting of what they could have..."to be like gods!" a hint that they were missing something? 
Were those "other words" picked up by Adam and Eve? 
 Did they think of measuring them with what they had lovingly learned and experienced from their Father Creator?
Do we know God's Voice in the Word made flesh?  What voice are we truly listening to?
 Do we take time to discern the voices and suggestions that are heard from within our minds?
Jesus, as He was tempted in the desert, used God's Word as a weapon against the evil suggestions of Lucifer!

Today, evil is being pursued in the name of God! The "other voice" is rampant !
The ego voice whips us about our past, relentlessly! Goads us into a fantasy future of more. Power, position, goods are extolled as our gods. Such may be the cause of our incessant anxieties and fears.
We are not little human gods able to be in charge of our future, or able to resolve our past!

For in all truth, we have only this "Now Moment" where God abides with us!
 He did say, " I will never leave you or deceive you!"

May we trust the Presence of God to transform us
 by the renewal of our minds, seeking God in His Word made flesh...
Jesus Christ.

Maybe we are being invited to taste
a little bit of Eternity... to walk with Him here!

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