Saint John Chrysostom...quotes:
"God does not appear as He really is, but according to the capacity of the one who seeks to "contemplate Him."
According to the dictionary, the meaning of the word condescend reads: " to descend from the privileges of superior rank", "to condescend to give."
To some degree, God is apparently present in each human person according to the capacity of our
Contemplation of Him !
Do you think about God? Do you see His way of working in your daily life?
Would our capacity to see God increase if we did make prayer a daily commitment?
Would the world be a better place if we allowed God's Presence to enter more deeply into our lives?
"With God all things are possible"(Matthew 19:26)
When making my very first retreat, in the late 1970's, a priest suggested that I find and attend a prayer group. I didn't even know that prayer groups existed! One of the retreatants invited me. It just happened to be in the area, so...I decided to go.
The group was very inviting, joyful in song and praise and uplifting in spirit! It was the joy that I was seeking...and I wondered what their secret was...so I returned.
The next week, Mr. Boucher was teaching about prayer, and time to be with God in prayer. He gave us suggestions on beginning...
Commit to making a date with God each day.
Make a quiet, comfortable space at home to retreat to.
Begin with 5 or 10 minutes each day.
Choose a sacred word to consent to God's presence within.
With eyes closed, silently... say the sacred word.
When thoughts enter in, gently return to the sacred word.
At the end of the prayer time, remain silent with eyes closed.
Pray an our Father.
This centering prayer became a door of peace allowing graces to enter.
In the silence I heard the word, "Come!" I was encouraged!
This prayer became a way of life and I hungered for the peace and Presence.
Little did I know how much this would continue to change my outlook and inner being.
Little did I know how much this would continue to change my outlook and inner being.
With a growing family of four children, a dog, and a working husband, who also was a call fireman and an ambulance driver, my daily date with God in prayer was a little bit of heaven!
My time needed to be taken seriously and kept. It wasn't easy to do! I began by explaining and seeking ten minutes without interruptions. There was a sign on my door " GOD AT WORK !"
After a time the children must have seen a difference in me and all was well!
After a time the children must have seen a difference in me and all was well!
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