I am always amazed at God's timing and
how He puts the answers to unasked questions into view.
Here is what was found (but not lost,) until the exact moment it was needed!
Another part of the picture presents itself for future teaching.
This following reflection seemed to speak to me of a great change that will come
according to what the next Life Lesson may be.!
Fr. Jarrett(+ 1934) was a Dominican priest from England known
for his preaching,lectures and his many books
on theology and spirituality.
Father Bede Jarrett, O.P.
It is perfectly obvious that if I am so blessed by the gifts of the Spirit, that I find my reason, will, and emotions made increasedly perceptive of divine currents previously lost to me, I can hardly help acting in a new way.
I now discover the view about me, and, consequently, my manner of life must in some ways be different from before.
The vision has come; it cannot simply open my eyes to new things in life without
thereby altering that very life itself.
Not only shall I find that what seemed to me before to be evil now appears to me to be a blessing;
but on that very account, what before I tried to avoid, or, having got,tried to be rid of, I shall
now accept, perhaps even seek. Similarly, whereas then I was weak, now I am strong;
and increase of strength means new activities, new energy put into the old work and
finding its way into works altogether new.
My emotions, finally, which imperiled and dominated my life, slip now into a subordinate position and,
while thereby as actively employed as before, are held under discipline.
It is clear, therefore, that the gifts will not leave me where I was before,
but will influence my actions as well as alter my vision. I find, then,
that these new habits will develop into new activities. But this means also that I have
a new idea as to the means of achieving the full happiness of life.
Once upon a time I thought happiness meant comfort; now I see that it means something quite different.
My view of happiness has changed. I am therefore obliged to change also my idea
as to the means and conditions whereby, and in which, happiness can be found.