To ask, to seek and to knock at the door to find the answer to that question Archbishop
Banach challenged us with...
"What Grace does God want to give you this Lenten Season?"
God is so Good and knows exactly what is needed, and shows up on time with the answers!
Sharing with my friend from Maine about this challenge, Ginny said "I've got some thing for you
that spoke to me and part of the reading from the Magnificat article may be for you."
I had decided to do something more challenging than "giving up chocolate", so to speak;
and I didn't give up chocolate but knew there was something that the Spirit was
calling me to, just didn't know, until I read what Ginny sent...
written by Father Leonce De Grandmaison S. J.
"Mortification in this case consists in acting against our timidity by forcing ourselves
to come out of our shells, exposing ourselves to blows, and speaking as if we had some
self-confidence. We must be ready to risk small failures; to step forward when it is fitting;
to let others know our faults (which is far better than hiding them).
Above all, the mortification of timidity is a matter of cultivating a great, courageous,
apostolic soul, so that Christ may reach his full stature within us and not be
circumscribed,as it were, in our pettiness.
The secret of success here is to think less of ourselves and more of God and of
His mother."
I knew immediately that this was to be my walk... not only for Lent...
this would be a challenge that may take a long steps...
a few steps forward and a couple steps back. Sr. Marie Dugas always said "that's how
we get to heaven!"
I gave my Amen!
So the walk began, a few steps forward...okay, I acknowledged that all the Graces were
needed and God showed up for me in His abundance...
the first being a nine day "Novena of Grace" to honor St. Francis Xavier, held at St. John's
in Worcester with my friend Marie.
There was so many more occasions of Grace that were experienced during the novena
that need sharing...
more to come!
There was so many more occasions of Grace that were experienced during the novena
that need sharing...
more to come!
"Lord Jesus, open the doors that need to be opened,
and close the doors that need to be closed!"
Archbishop Michael Banach, in his challenge to us through the
"Call to Holiness" presentation,and as a Lenten homily,left us to
ask the question, "What Grace does God wish to give me this Lent?"
A friend, new to the actions of the Holy Spirit, asked "what is Grace?"
"Oh Brother!," I thought..."I am supposed to be prepared to give an answer
to what I believe!" and not wanting to lead her astray, all I could answer
at the moment was,"Grace is a gift from God by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Was that enough? No!
There was more conversation and another question! So it seemed I
needed more certainty as to what was the answer to her query. I said,
"The Catechism of the Catholic Church will have the best answer and I will
get back to you."
You will find a succinct explanation listed under the Life of Christ #1996
in the Catechism, very easy to follows, simply put...
"is a free and undeserved gift that God gives us to respond to our vocation to
eternal life, to become His adopted children!"
As "Sanctifying Grace"God shares His divine life and friendship with us in
a "habitual gift,"a stable and natural disposition that enables us to live with
God, and to act by His love.
He prepares us to receive these graces, which is already a gift.
As "Actual Grace,"God gives us help to conform to His will.
"Sacramental Graces" are special graces, gifts or (charisms from the Holy Spirit)
gifts proper to the different sacraments...meaning favor...and may be extraordinary,such as gifts
of miracles,etc. to be at the service of charity to build up the Church. Romans 12:6-8