
Tuesday, April 5, 2016



Luke: 24:verse 36

Jesus Appears!
"While the two were still speaking about this,
(of Jesus' appearance)
He stood in their midst...and
said to them,
"Peace be with you!"


A joy! 
             A Presence!
              A promise...
"Where two or more gather...
There Am I in their midst!"

A Quickening of insight...
                                                A Clarity of purpose.            
                                                    Unity... in the Holy Spirit!             
                                                       A new energy                            
                                    And enthusiasm
                                                                    To go forward...
                                                                                             With Joy!

Sunday, April 3, 2016



Morning sun has risen
casting light upon the thinly snow covered  lawn
making a canvas for a tree to lay it's shadowy tentacles.
The tree itself is a beauty of shape and form.
 The shadow, laid out before it, seems ominous, ugly in structure...scraggly,
 unevenly laying, stretching out  upon the snowy blanket...
and yet..all is peaceful and still!
Spring air... a warmer sun sitting closer to earth's floor
teases little reds spikes of new grow at the tree's crown...
making it a lovelier sight to behold! It's arching branches 
curled up to receive, admit a bird or two in rest. 
As snow diminishes so goes the shadowy form...melting itself under the beauty of it's true form  above.
A gentle wind sends movements as waves,
 a " salutary goodbye" to those if to say... 
"that shadow of your being is not your true existence...
it is melting away in the Presence of Love and Truth.
 Your Creator is Transforming you into a new creation."

 What is the shadow I need to let go of ...  the image of self that ties me to the ground?
Am I able to let it melt away...into Gods's Presence?
Is it time to say "goodbye"...
to gently release it from the icy cold of  existence?

Ah! I see it diminish in the Light of the day.
 The real beauty of it's "true form" appears...
a Tree of Life!

Open my heart... Lord of Life...that I may offer 
You the consolation of my trust ...
No matter what form the shadow takes,
in the Light of Your Presence...
I know that I am loved
                    Romans 12:2

Friday, April 1, 2016


A Timely Surprise

"There is an appointed time for everything that happens in this world.
 Everything happens at the time God chooses.
A time to be born, and a time to die...
A time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant...
A time to weep, and a time to laugh...
A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to be silent, and a time to speak."
                                      Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The Holy Spirit led me into the attic this week seeking an empty storage box I might use for another project. In reorganizing things,to obtain my goal of leaving with an empty box, I came upon notebooks filled with loving letters from Don, written during the years of our being in our Marriage Encounter group. With my dear husband now deceased, this "find" was so welcomed! For I had thought the note books were lost in our move 12 years ago.
Along with that precious find , were my own daily spiritual  journals from past years. I received so much more than just an empty box, this day!

Have you ever thought of writing a "Mission Statement" for your life?
I share my entry with you from May of 2003.

"I seek to establish my life in the intimacy of God within my conscience;
Anything coming from the outside world will be seen as an opportunity for growth, a Grace, and a movement toward the loving Creator. These Divine signs may, eventually, be seen as moments to witness.
 I seek wisdom and the chance to live cleanly, openly, honestly in Gods' Presence."

Needless to say, many years have passed, and I am happily surprised at  seeing this statement. 

The Journey is never ending.
There is always a struggle to die to self, so as to be born again; 
to uproot and plant anew;
 to take the time to weep and mourn;
to learn to laugh and dance once again.

This cycle of living, dying and being transformed, is repeated
until the lessons are learned....
and we begin a new cycle.

My heart is so filled with gratitude... to a lovingly patient God, who faithfully, is a "Light unto my path,
 a Lamp unto my feet!"

"By waiting and by calm...
you shall be saved;
In quiet and in trust...
your strength lies"
                          Isaiah 30:15



Today, Jesus, we bring to You
those souls who do not believe in God,
and those who do not yet know You.
Eternal Father turn Your merciful gaze
 upon those who do not believe in You ...
or do not know You
 or Your merciful  forgiveness.

..."and the Father...yearning for his son
to come home...looking
down the road...saw His son approaching''
Luke 15: 11-24

The Father "yearned" ...
for His sons' return...
for the sight of his coming home!

So much... did the Father love the son!
So much...did He "desire" the re-union!The Father "looked" ...
with a burning longing
 in His heart!
Did the Father's  Love draw the son?

Is His merciful love
so compelling to be felt
from afar?

Or was the son hungering
for the food of Love...
The comfort and safety of
the arms of Love...
the peace of the reality
of Love?

What draws you to return
into the merciful,
 Heart of God?